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Bundle Up!

Bundle Up!

Bundle Up! As we make our way to the winter months in beautiful Ocala, FL, we’re constantly reminded of the usual traditions and feelings that accompany the Autumn and Winter seasons. The supermarkets stock up on their pumpkins and turkeys while the department stores begin to display their various holiday decorations and knickknacks, reminding us...

Halloween has passed, but its just the beginning of indulgence.

Halloween has passed, but its just the beginning of indulgence.

Halloween has passed, but its just the beginning of indulgence. The passing of Halloween ushers in a season of food and family time. With every good feast comes an assortment of sweets and deserts meant to serve as the perfect indulgence after a grand meal. Here are three sweet treats that are a smarter choice...

Cardiology: A Run Down

Cardiology: A Run Down

Cardiology: A Run Down When I was asked to write an article about cardiology, it became strikingly clear to me how little I knew of the subject. I knew that cardiology primarily focused on the heart, but not much more beyond that. This then dominoed into how little I knew of the heart itself. I...

A Healthy Balance: Calories and Activity

A Healthy Balance: Calories and Activity

A Healthy Balance: Calories and Activity ( – Unfortunately, portion sizes have grown (a lot) in the last several decades—“supersized” portions are often offered at relatively low prices. As a result, our reference point for what a healthy portion looks like may be vastly distorted. For example, today’s bagels or muffins are often at least...

Exercise Is Vital To Your Heart Health

Exercise Is Vital To Your Heart Health

Exercise Is Vital To Your Heart Health Ask Dr. Hima Mikkilineni about her work as a cardiologist with the Cardiovascular Institute of Central Florida and expect a smile in return. “I really love what I’m doing,” says Dr. Mikkilineni. “There is great satisfaction in helping people get healthier.” While growing up in southern India, Mikkilineni...

All Heart

All Heart

All Heart Ocala cardiologist Dr. Srisha Rao is so passionate about people becoming heart healthy that she’s willing to risk going out of business to achieve her goal. By JoAnn Guidry Photo By John Jernigan – Wednesday, July 07, 2010 Dr. Srisha Rao, Ocala’s first female cardiologist, practices what she preaches about heart-healthy living. Up...