Tag: Varicose Veins

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Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Heart Disease Many of us have heard this term before: Heart Disease. But do we really know what it is? I mean, we can put two and two together – it’s a disease of the heart – that’s true enough. But is there more to it than that? Is there more that we should know?...

Understanding Blood Pressure

Understanding Blood Pressure

Understanding Blood Pressure We’ve all heard of it. Maybe we have it ourselves or we know someone who has it. Or maybe you or someone you know is currently battling it; fighting each day to keep it under control: High blood pressure. But how well do you understand it? When your nurse or doctor reads you your...

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins So what are varicose veins? Varicose veins are veins that have become twisted and enlarged near the surface of the skin. Although they can occur anywhere within the body’s veins, they most commonly occur in the veins in the legs and ankles. Veins have what are known as leaflet valves, or one way valves. The...

Halloween has passed, but its just the beginning of indulgence.

Halloween has passed, but its just the beginning of indulgence.

Halloween has passed, but its just the beginning of indulgence. The passing of Halloween ushers in a season of food and family time. With every good feast comes an assortment of sweets and deserts meant to serve as the perfect indulgence after a grand meal. Here are three sweet treats that are a smarter choice...

Cardiology: A Run Down

Cardiology: A Run Down

Cardiology: A Run Down When I was asked to write an article about cardiology, it became strikingly clear to me how little I knew of the subject. I knew that cardiology primarily focused on the heart, but not much more beyond that. This then dominoed into how little I knew of the heart itself. I...